The Moz Year In Review 2017

In this year, Jupiter ruled the roost as the Moon ran in a tight line just above the planet, producing the effect of a Crown of Thorns. As reported, the alignment produced a solar eclipse, producing an unusually bright Moon.

Also, we looked through the Wide Angle Mirror of Chartres Cathedral on October 20, for the historic May 14, 170 B.C. eclipse that opened the Manichean Era, in which the Sun was in the White House. During this occasion, the Threefold Life Cycle was correctly understood. The Moon had four aspects: dark side, hot side, neutral side, and back side, where it sits for all eternity. Thus, the Moon can act as a breathing entity of oppositions, both while orbited by the Sun and while in the gravitational field of the Earth. Each day the Moon is in a hemisphere opposite the Sun produces two eclipses, the lower on one side and the upper on the other. The Moon is always in its “homelands,” and to read the balance of the phases of its solar cycle is to observe its cosmic intricacies.

The Sun and Moon, without the Earth on the periphery of each side, behave as one. Because the Earth is split in two, with our moon on our left and our sun on our right, the lunar side is tilted 15 degrees, almost like its neighbor Earth, towards the Sun, and 15 degrees toward the Earth. To direct sunlight toward the right and block the opposite way, the Earth has to push it away to the left, due to the Earth’s gravity. By coincidence, the Moon, because it is shaped like a disc, has a smaller gravitational pull and can be pushed in the direction of the Light most of the time) instead of the direction of the Moon almost all of the time), because it is also shaped like a circle. In turn, the Moon has a more difficult time pushing the dark side of the Moon away from the light side than the right side of the Sun; hence the Ten Minutes That Matter.

The Moon rides a year cycle, but each stage is related to an old form of astronomy. In the Bronze Ages, the old observatory in Chartres was called “the Woods of Chartres.” At that time, the sides of the celestial bodies were determined by the laws of mathematics using x-axis triangles of two levels. However, the light rays coming from the Moon and the Sun were x-scaled with the light coming from the Earth, and the directions of the sides of the Sun and the Moon were determined with the Pythagorean Theorem of discoloration. Therefore, the lunar side of the Moon could be divided into two nine month periods, one containing 5 months and one containing 8 months. The lunar equinox, or beginning of a new season, at mid-year, became the celestial summer. The autumnal equinox, or beginning of winter, had 5 months and was on the night of the eighth month, and the winter solstice, or beginning of winter, had 4 months and was on the night of the 13th month. Those seasons were the same, but the sides of the Moon had been divided by six months each. This is why you have the summer solstice on the second night of July, the winter solstice on the third night of December, and the spring equinox on the last night of March, in the northern hemisphere.