Is Youtube Worth It? 7.6 Million Views Later, Here’S What I Learned


The only true lesson I learned from watching 12 days of all YouTubers was that it is most difficult to watch your favorite YouTuber on video. For the last 12 days, I’ve been covering the top YouTube stars and the major events that took place during the week. On Friday, April 19, YouTube hosts an all-star announcement show to announce the top 100 channels and top 5 Asian YouTubers. It is a event that airs live at 10 a.m. ET and hosted by YouTube stars Grace Helbig and Tyler Oakley.

Disclaimer: I may or may not be biased. I may or may not be a nerd or a pop culture fanatic, but I’m not a TV critic and thus must watch my favorite YouTubers online. I’m now one step closer to meeting James Cameron, Tony Blair, Mark Wahlberg, and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I also accidentally revealed last night that Joseph Gordon-Levitt is not a millennial.

Yes, you read that correctly, I accidentally revealed that you have just met Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The wonderful things about being a millennial is that I just flat out told millions of viewers that this person does not really count as part of the generation that they love, with whom they identify, and who they want to emulate.

I was told that the first time I talked to other millennials and said Joseph Gordon-Levitt is not a millennial, I was mocked mercilessly and forced to eat ramen. But it is true! If you are also confused by this juxtaposition, you must be a millennial. You watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt on YouTube because he’s cool, he doesn’t have Instagram, and he has a filmography more modest than some people.

So, how did I accomplish this feat? Looking at Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s posts and videos, I felt as though I could meet the young man I interviewed at a bar at 2 a.m. when I come to learn that I also just met a 10-year-old kid. Look, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s doing alright, as evidenced by his sleep schedule. But I would just as soon sit on the couch and watch a video like this, quote all the credits, and watch the little guy lose his mind over some cute cat footage. If you were a 7-year-old kid who loved Joseph Gordon-Levitt and who looks exactly like Joseph Gordon-Levitt, your parents would say, Hey, do you mind cleaning your room? And you would say, Dude, I am a 7-year-old kid who looks exactly like Joseph Gordon-Levitt and I just read in a magazine that I am a 7-year-old kid with the ability to destroy buildings and kick ass and then I have to watch Joseph Gordon-Levitt on YouTube. What do I do?

My awkward interview with Joseph Gordon-Levitt proves that you will never be more of a millennial than you are watching Joseph Gordon-Levitt on YouTube. This viral video review could also be on trend. A meme of this nature would quickly go viral, and I would definitely see it on a shirtless selfie shoot by Tommy Chong.