10 Facts You Think You Know About Search Engine Optimization That Are Actually Myths

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Search Engine Optimization SEO) is a hot topic among marketers these days. SEO is becoming one of the biggest powers marketers have to achieve their online goals, but here are a few of the misconceptions that many people believe.

1. A lot of Websites make the A Page

That’s true to some extent. Your website should rank high enough for your content to be read, but not to the point that it appears on the search results page SEO) first. In some cases, if you’re using a premium website and want to make the A page, you might have to pay for premium placement on the top part of the page. If it’s a website that provides marketing solutions, you may be eligible for site support payments in order to make this possible.

2. SEO rates go up with traffic

This is a little odd to me. A thousand visits doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ll be able to be included on the A page, and a ten thousand link link doesn’t give you much ammunition against paying for the premium placement on the top part of the page. So, like a search engine favor, traffic does not automatically convert into higher SEO.

3. People only need a special Webiste code to promote their website

Yes, sometimes people do need to upload specific tools and HTML on their website to get noticed. For example, you can use your blog as a referral hub. But if a person is only searching for information to get to your official website, they don’t have to do anything to promote you.

4. Launching a blog gives you a high-ranking position

Not really. No, not really. Blogging is a good thing to do, but don’t expect to achieve the high A placement on the search results page.

5. SEO is only a matter of taking a little action

Nope. As Wikipedia is full of silly explanations, many of these spammy explanations are about taking little actions. If you’re paying for premium placement on the A page, you can’t take little actions to get there. There needs to be more effort going into this.

6. SEO is better with paid posts

By now, you know this is not true. SEO is actually better with organic content. You’ll be just as helpful to readers if you have organic content to share.

7. Content should stay the same for months

I don’t think anything is more unrealistic than that. A content that doesn’t change over time is almost never a good thing. Remember, humans are small animals, and as they grow up, they learn new things. People also change their minds. If you make content too static, people will lose interest.

8. SEO equals hiring a cold-hearted authority

There is no actual authority in a keyword term. Do you know who the authority is on your keywords? I doubt it. So, you can’t necessarily pay for a person who is an authority on that keyword. If you want a career with SEO, the best place to start is to research the people who are known for SEO in the industry. You can contact them, and ask what their experience is.

9. If you spend so much time on SEO, you’ll miss other parts of your business

This is a myth. More than half of the SEO clickstream is based on keyword-related things context and meta descriptions), but it isn’t true that you have to spend as much time there as you do on your other services. The activities you’re most likely to spend your time on are relevant and focus on your products or your business. To me, SEO is just a way to make the new things you’re offering look more sophisticated, more professional.

10. Google is the only search engine that tracks your actions

No. Search engines like Google only track the organic results that appear in the search results. And they don’t necessarily track any results that are for paid advertising. In short, Google might be the best place to find things, but it can’t keep track of everything you do.

Yes, there are more things than you think about SEO, but here are just a few of the things you probably already know.

Which of these 10 things are you wrong about? Give us your opinion by leaving a comment below.

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